Honor Your Outstanding Colleagues Through Award Nominations
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- By CEO James Appleby, BSPharm, MPH
- February 24, 2020
One of the most meaningful roles that a professional society plays is recognizing excellence in its field. And GSA has a wonderful mechanism for doing this: through March 31, we’re accepting nominations for more than two dozen prestigious awards for gerontological achievements.
I’m asking all members to consider which colleagues of theirs would be deserving of these distinctions. That is, who do you know that has demonstrated leadership, vision, and commitment in the field of aging?
For example, GSA’s two top awards, those named after Donald P. Kent and Robert W. Kleemeier, are among those accepting nominations right now. We honor the recipients each year with videos shown at the Annual Scientific Meeting. Take a look at our collection from the last ten years if you want to feel inspired.
The available awards include those that are open to all GSA members and some that are specific to one of GSA’s professional sections. We also recognize scholars across the spectrum from emerging scholars to career gerontologists. Those who receive the awards will join the ranks of our field’s most illustrious names, maintaining a continuity that extends back decades into GSA’s history.
Be sure to submit your nominations by the end of March. Questions about requirements can be addressed to awards@geron.org.