OTC Medications and Older Adults

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Currently, GSA oversees two programs related to over-the-counter (OTC) medications: OTC Medication Behaviors of Older Adults, and OTC Sleep Aids and Sleep Health in Older Adults.

OTC products are widely recommended by physicians and their use may be endorsed in clinical practice guidelines as “first line” therapy. While older adults comprise 13 percent of the U.S. population, they account for 34 percent of prescription drug use and 30 percent of OTC medication use.

GSA recognizes the positive impact and benefits that OTC products have in older adults, as well as the economic implications to the healthcare system, payers, consumers, caregivers, and communities. Yet age‐related factors can impact a drug’s safety and efficacy. GSA therefore is working through its programs to address the unique challenges facing those who develop and market OTC medications to improve the health and quality of life of older adults.