For the past seven decades, GSA has provided visionary leadership in the field of aging, while maintaining a commitment to providing resources and opportunities for its members. Now, faced with a growing baby boomer population, the demand for aging-related professionals has accelerated. GSA is proud to continue supporting its members in this vastly changing environment. After nearly seven decades of excellence, GSA is stronger than ever.
GSA's 65th anniversary commemorative book, "Leading the Way for 65 Years," is now available for free download. It lists the Society's greatest accomplishments and gives a listing of major figures who helped shape its history, including officers, directors, and Annual Scientific Meeting locations and themes.
1939: The Society is conceived after a group of 24 scientists and physicians (some of them participants at a 1937 Woods Hole conference) formed the Club for Research on Ageing.
1945: The Society is formally established in New York, NY, to "promote the scientific study of aging." The office is located in St. Louis, MO. (Read more about GSA's ongoing mission on page 7 of the December 2010 issue of Gerontology News!)
1946: The first issue of The Journal of Gerontology is published.
1949: The first Annual Scientific Meeting is held in New York, NY. (Read more on page 7 of the September 2010 issue of Gerontology News!)
1952: GSA membership is divided into four sections: two basic science sections (Biological Sciences and Psychological & Social Sciences) and two applied sections (Social Work & Administration and Health Sciences).
1954: A Society newsletter is started.
1960: A student membership category is created.
1961: The Gerontologist begins publication.
1970: GSA moves its headquarters to Washington, DC.
1974: The Academy for Gerontology in Higher Education (formerly known as The Association For Gerontology In Higher Education) is founded as a separate organization.
1974: GSA is instrumental in the founding of the National Institute on Aging. (Read more on page 7 of the March 2010 issue of Gerontology News!)
1987: GSA forms its Task Force on Minority Aging Issues. (Read more on page 7 of the June 2010 issue of Gerontology News!)
1988: GSA begins its Interest Group Program.
1994: The National Academy on an Aging Society is founded.
1995: The Public Policy & Aging Report is first published.
1995: GSA celebrates its 50th anniversary.
1996: Geron.org opens its doors and brings GSA into the digital age.
1998: AGHE is incorporated as a GSA unit.
2010: In recognition of the Society's 65th anniversary, the GSA Innovation Fund is launched.
2010: GSA's Corporate Advisory Panel is formed.
2014: The online networking platform GSA Connect goes live.
2017: Innovation in Aging, GSA's first online peer-reviewed open access journal, begins publication.
2017: GSA hosts the 21st IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics.
2018: AGHE requests to fully integrate into GSA; GSA becomes “home” for field-spanning Reframing Aging Initiative.
2019: GSA membership votes to overhaul the Society’s governance structure, creating a new Board of Directors and Section leadership structure.
2020: GSA hosts its first all-online Annual Scientific Meeting and celebrates its 75th anniversary milestone.