

Webinars - 2022 Webinars

Article Index

Dementia in the Workplace: Person-Centered Approaches to Employment Support and Decision-Making

November 30, 2022

This workshop will discuss the current research on dementia in the workplace in order to explore the supports required to facilitate continued employment and decision-making around employment post diagnosis. Using practical examples, we will highlight the potential factors which could promote a positive employment experience for those living with dementia.

Presented by:

  • Louise Ritchie, Reader in Dementia Research, University of the West of Scotland

Sponsored by the GSA Aging Workforce Interest Group

The GSA Toolkit for the Management of Obesity in Older Adults (GSA Momentum Discussions Series)

The GSA KAER Framework—Kickstart, Assess, Evaluate, and Refer (KAER)—supports primary care teams to better meet the needs of older adults with obesity and overweight. Using this Framework with the tools and resources in the GSA Toolkit for the Management of Obesity in Older Adults, care teams can kickstart the discussion of weight with older adults and their families; assess the presence of altered body fat amount, distribution, and/ or function; evaluate the individualized care plans developed for older adults with overweight and obesity; and refer patients to community resources. During this Momentum Discussion, the expert peer review panelists for the Toolkit discuss the unique needs of older adults with overweight and obesity, review the need to address obesity and associated medical conditions intently, and provide valuable insights into using the GSA Toolkit for the Management of Obesity in Older Adults in clinical practice.

Presented by:

  • Rodolfo J. Galindo, MD, FACE, Associate Professor of Medicine Emory University School of Medicine Investigator, Center for Diabetes and Metabolism Research Emory University Hospital Midtown, Atlanta, Georgia
  • Joe Nadglowski, President/CEO, Obesity Action Coalition, Tampa, Florida
  • Fatima Cody Stanford, MD, MPH, MPA, MBA, FAAP, FACP, FAHA, FAMWA, FTOS, Associate Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics Harvard Medical School Obesity Medicine, Physician-Scientist Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA
  • Kathryn N. Porter Starr, PhD, MS, RDN, Assistant Professor of Medicine–Geriatrics Duke University School of Medicine, Research Health Scientist Durham VA Health System, Durham, North Carolina
  • Jennifer Pettis, MS, RN, CNE, Director of Strategic Alliances, The Gerontological Society of America (Moderator)

Support for this Momentum Discussion was provided by Novo Nordisk.

Careers in Aging Panel: Research Careers

October 24, 2022

Hear from GSA leaders from various backgrounds as they engage in a discussion about research careers in aging. This will be the first of such panels focused on careers in the aging field that will be scheduled throughout the upcoming year. 

Presented by:

  • Rozalyn Anderson, PhD, FGSA, Biological Sciences Section Vice Chair
  • Dana Bradley, PhD, FAGHE, FGSA, Academy for Gerontology in Higher Education Chair
  • Shannon Jarrott, PhD, FGSA, Behavioral and Social Sciences Section Chair
  • Deborah Waldrop, PhD, FGSA, Social Research, Policy, and Practice Section Chair
  • Christine Fruhauf, PhD, FAGHE, FGSA, Moderator

This panel discussion is organized by AGHE’s Advancement Working group.   

An Introduction to Transparency in Learning and Teaching (TILT) Methods

October 18, 2022

This is the first workshop in a series for ESPO members focusing on teaching strategies geared toward junior faculty. In this session, we will share several strategies to make our teaching practices accessible to students by introducing new faculty to TILT (Transparency in Learning and Teaching) in higher education. Time will be provided for audience interaction and questions.

Presented by:

  • Britteny M. Howell, PhD, Assistant Professor of Population Health Sciences and Director of the UAA Healthy Aging Research Laboratory, University of Alaska Anchorage

This program is co-sponsored by the Academy for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE) and ESPO

An Introduction to the NIA Centers, Coordinating Centers, and Pilot Funding Opportunities (GSA Grant Chats Series)

October 13, 2022

If you are looking for pilot funding for your next research project, you might consider one of the National Institute on Aging’s (NIA) more than 120 Centers and Networks. This alphabet soup of organizations are known by their acronyms, eponyms, and initialisms: RCCN, ADRC, D&E, OAIC, NSC, RCMAR, Roybal, AITC, and IMPACT. To begin to peel back the curtain on these many organizations, representatives from NIA and a Network designed to coordinate the various Centers will meet to give a high-level overview of NIA Centers and how to stay informed about the opportunities they offer for researchers in the field of aging.

Presented By:

  • Odette van der Willik, Deputy Executive Director and Director of Grant Programs, American Federation for Aging Research
  • Dana Jeffrey Plude, PhD, Deputy Director, Division of Behavioral and Social Research, National Institute on Aging

Tips for Transitioning to Early Career Success: Advice from Researchers in Academia, Industry, and Community Health Settings (GSA Emerging Scholar and Professional Organization Professional Development Webinar Series)

October 7, 2022

What makes for a successful career following graduation from a doctoral research program? The goal of this webinar is to help emerging scholars in The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) learn from the experiences, wisdom, and advice of a skilled panel of professionals who successfully transitioned from doctoral and postdoctoral research programs into new roles in academia, industry, and healthcare.

Presented by:

  • Esther Laury, PhD, MSHP, RN, Associate Director of Policy Research, Merck
  • Ashley Ritter, PhD, APRN, Director of Clinical Care Research, NewCourtland 
  • Hanzhang Xu, PhD, RN, Assistant Professor, Duke University School of Medicine
  • Tingzhong (Michelle) Xue, MS, RNPhD Candidate, Duke School of Nursing (Moderator)

This program is supported by the GSA Innovation Fund

Social Research, Policy, and Practice (SRPP) Section Member Spotlight Live

October 6, 2022

SRPP will feature two two highly esteemed and long-time SRPP-GSA members, Barbara Berkman and Rita Choula. Please join us in hearing about their career paths, the focus of their past, present and future work, how GSA membership has influenced their careers and their advice on career challenges. Take this opportunity to ask questions and learn from two of our wise and generative colleagues! 

Presented by:

  • Barbara Berkamn, DSW/PhD, FGSA, Helen Rehr and Ruth Fizdale Professor Emerita of Health and Mental Health at Columbia University School of Social Work
  • Rita Choula, MA, Director of Caregiving at AARP Public Policy Institute
  • Daniel B. Kaplan, PhD, LICSW, Adelphi University School of Social Work (Moderator)

This program is sponsored by the GSA Social Research, Policy, and Practice Section.

The Economics of a Longevity Dividend

October 3, 2022

The growing emphasis on and progress in extending biological and “healthy” aging raises a number of important questions for health scientists and economists alike. Is it preferable to make lives healthier by compressing morbidity, or to make lives longer by extending life? What are the gains from targeting aging itself compared with efforts to eradicate specific diseases? Economist Andrew J. Scott, coauthor of The Economic Value of Targeting Aging, will share findings and implications from the publication. This public policy webinar from The Gerontological Society of America aims to draw awareness to the many ways geroscience intersects across all disciplines as well as impacts policy. 

Presented by:  

  • Andrew J. Scott, DPhil, Professor of Economics, Consulting Scholar, Stanford University Center on Longevity, and Research Fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy Research
  • George E. Taffet, MD, FACP,  Professor in Medicine, Geriatrics, and Cardiovascular Sciences and the Robert J. Luchi, MD, Chair in Geriatric Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine; Head of the Division of Geriatrics, Houston Methodist Hospital; 2022 Chair, GSA Public Policy Advisory Panel  (Moderator)

This webinar was developed by the 2022 GSA Public Policy Advisory Panel.

Funding Your Research: AHRQ and PCORI (GSA Grant Chats Series)

September 29, 2022

The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) provide substantial resources for healthcare research in the United States that can help grantees to advance their research missions and improve healthcare quality. AHRQ and PCORI each have their own missions along with specific criteria and objectives that applicants should know to maximize their chances of successfully applying for funding. GSA members and invited speakers with expertise working with PCORI and AHRQ (from the inside and the outside) will discuss their insights into these funders. This discussion will be followed by an opportunity for attendees to ask questions of the panel and receive helpful tips to maximize the likelihood of future funding application success.

Presented by:

  • Nicole Brandt, PharmD, MBA, BCGP, BCPP, FASCP, Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science; Executive Director, Peter Lamy Center on Drug Therapy and Aging; University of Maryland School of Pharmacy
  • Kate Lapane, PhD, Associate Dean of Clinical and Population Health Research, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences; Division Chief of Epidemiology and Professor, Department of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences; University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School
  • Brent Sandmeyer, MPH, Program Office, Social Science Analyst, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Center for Evidence and Practice Improvement

Measures and Methods for Research on Family Caregivers for People Living With Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias (GSA NACA Priority Research Concepts Webinar Series)

September 28, 2022

The National Advisory Council on Aging (NACA) meets three times a year to consider applications for research and training and to recommend funding for promising applications. Although NACA-approved concepts are not guaranteed conversion to a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), the majority have historically emerged later (sometimes up to 10 months subsequently) as published FOAs.

The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) and the National Institute on Aging (NIA) Division of Behavioral and Social Research (DBSR) are collaborating on this GSA webinar focused on recent NACA priority research concepts addressing Measures and Methods for Research on Family Caregivers for People Living With Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias. This webinar is designed to give interested researchers—especially new investigators—maximal lead time to contemplate, pull teams together, align research ideas, plan projects, and build successful applications. NIA DBSR program officials will give brief presentations, which will be followed by opportunities for Q&A.

Presented by:

  • Elizabeth Necka, PhD, NIA Division of Behavioral and Social Research
  • Elena Fazio, PhD, NIA Division of Behavioral and Social Research
  • Amelia Karraker, PhD, NIA Division of Behavioral and Social Research
  • Steven M. Albert, PhD, FGSA, University of Pittsburgh and GSA editor-in-chief of the journal Innovation in Aging (Moderator)

Developed by GSA Workgroup:

  • James S. Powers, MD, FGSA, Vanderbilt University Medical Center (Workgroup Lead)
  • Daniel Gan, PhD, Simon Fraser University
  • Minghui (Sam) Li, PhD, University of Tennessee Health Science Center
  • Meredith Troutman-Jordan, PhD, FGSA, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
  • Panayiotis Tsitouras, MD, FGSA, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

From Basic Science to Policy: Applying the NIA Health Disparities Research Framework Across Disciplines in Aging

September 21, 2022

As part of its webinar series for early career scientists and young investigators, The Gerontological Society of America presents this essential episode oriented to scientists investigating health disparities related to aging, including environmental, sociocultural, behavioral, and biological factors.

Beginning with an overview of the National Institute on Aging (NIA) Health Disparities Research Framework, the webinar will cover cross-disciplinary approaches by panelists from different career stages, who will discuss how they have applied the NIA Health Disparities Research Framework in their work.

Presented by:

  • Patricia Jones, DrPH, MPH, MS, MBA, Director, National Institute on Aging Office of Special Populations
  • Kalisha Bonds Johnson, RN, PhD, Assistant Professor of Nursing, Emory University and Vice Chair of the GSA Emerging Scholar and Professional Organization
  • Crystal Glover, PhD, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Alzheimer’s Disease Center, Rush University Medical Center
  • Amy Kind, MD, PhD, Professor of Medicine, Associate Dean for Social Health Sciences and Programs, and Director of the Center for Health Disparities Research, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
  • James S. Powers MD, FGSA, Professor of Medicine, Vanderbilt University Center for Quality Aging and Presidential Appointee to the GSA Program, Publications, and Products Committee (Moderator)

Aging in a Place: Perspectives on the Meanings of "Home" and "Community" from Age-focused Researchers and Practitioners

September 20, 2022

Everyone ages in some "place," or a series of places. This webinar will explore the concept of place from the perspectives of housing research, affordable housing development and modification, and dementia-friendly community planning. Our aim is to connect humanistic concepts with socially engaged research and practice on planning and housing for aging societies, to support critical thinking about the concept of aging in place and its relationship to social justice.

Presented by:

  • Andrew Clark, PhD (Geography), Professor, School of Health and Society, University of Salford
  • Bailey Hu, MA (Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning), Research Assistant, Housing an Aging Society program, Joint Center for Housing Studies, Harvard University
  • Chris Reeder Young, MA (Medical Anthropology), Director of Research and Evaluation, Programs and Strategic Alliances, Habitat for Humanity of Greater Memphis
  • Nancy Berlinger, PhD, Research Scholar, The Hastings Center (Moderator)

This program is sponsored by the GSA Humanities, Arts, and Cultural Gerontology Advisory Panel.

Leveraging GSA Membership to Support Career Advancement

August 18, 2022

Do you want to know how being a GSA member can help you to succeed across a range of research career tracks? Join us for our upcoming session, Leveraging GSA Membership to Support Career Advancement. During this session, our panelists with experience working in academia, healthcare non-profit, policy, and industry will share their insights and perspectives on how they’ve navigated career decisions and benefited from GSA membership over the course of their careers. Time will be included for questions from participants. 

Presented by: 

  • Elsa Strotmeyer, PhD, MPH, FGSA, Associate Professor of Epidemiology, Director of the NIH/NIA T32 Epidemiology of Aging Training Grant, University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health
  • Harriet Aronow, PhD, Research Scientist, Department of Nursing Research, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
  • Regina Shih, PhD, Director, Social and Behavioral Policy Program, RAND Corporation

This program is co-sponsored by the GSA Health Sciences Section and ESPO 

Insights and Implications of ICD-11 Codes Related to Aging

July 25, 2022

The recently published ICD-11 is the eleventh revision of the International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems developed by the World Health Organization (WHO). ICD is a common language for the reporting and monitoring of disease in countries around the world. ICD codes are widely used by clinicians, researchers, funders, governments, public health agencies, and insurance providers to report diagnoses. The data can be used to track disease prevalence and epidemics, and they allow for comparisons across ages and geographic areas, including the reporting of worldwide, national, or regional mortality and morbidity statistics. Data collection based on ICD codes can also be used to predict future health care expenditures and guide research and development of new therapies and practices.

Countries are able to report health data using ICD-11 now, but none have adopted it yet. In the United States, it likely will not be adopted until 2025 or later. Among the changes included in this update to the ICD, “old age” is classified under general symptoms (code MG2A) and there is an extension code for age-related disease (XT9T). This classification of old age as a disease raises numerous issues of concern to the gerontology and geriatrics community. Join GSA leaders for a conversation on the insights and implications.

Presented by:

  • Matt Kaeberlein, PhD, FAAAS, FAAA, FGSA, Professor of Pathology, Adjunct Professor of Genome Sciences, and Adjunct Professor of Oral Health Sciences, University of Washington ("Aging as a Disease—Insights")
  • Becca Levy, PhD, FGSA, Professor of Public Health and Psychology, Yale University School of Public Health; Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health ("Impact of Ageism on Individuals and Their Well-Being—Implications")
  • Nancy Morrow-Howell, PhD, MSW, ACSW, FGSA, Bettie Bofinger Brown Distinguished Professor, and Director, Harvey A. Friedman Center for Aging, Washington University in St. Louis ("Impact on the Conversation on Aging—Implications")
  • John W. Rowe, MD, FAAAS, FGSA, Julius B. Richmond Professor of Health Policy and Aging, Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health ("Why Aging Should Not Be Classified as a Disease—Insights")
  • Peter Lichtenberg, PhD, ABPP, FGSA, FAPA, President, The Gerontological Society of America; Director, Institute of Gerontology, and Distinguished Professor of Psychology, Wayne State University (Moderator)

Tailoring Your Manuscripts (GSA Manuscript Writing and Reviewer Skills Program Series)

July 19, 2022

The value of publishing in gerontology extends beyond the investigator to other researchers, scholars, practitioners, and ultimately improvements in life for older adults and society alike. With this in mind, GSA is offering a live webinar series with practical advice on manuscript writing and reviewing. Graduate students and emerging professionals as well as experienced scholars who want to hone their writing and reviewing skills and become more involved in the publishing process will benefit from the hands-on practice, discussion of the “human side” of publishing, pointers from authors of manuscripts accepted by journals, and the insiders’ view with a panel of editors on what constitutes a good paper.

Presented by:

  • Deborah Carr, PhD, FGSA, Boston University
  • Allyson S. Graf, PhD, Northern Kentucky University
  • Brandy Wallace, PhD, FGSA, University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Mentoring the Mentor: How to Guide/Mentor/Advise Nursing Doctoral Students to a Successful Dissertation

July 18, 2022

Are you a faculty member who is called to mentor PhD students, but would appreciate more training in this role? During this interactive session, we will explore issues facing new mentors, hear a presentation from Dr. Christine Williams, “Real-World Guidance in becoming a Successful Doctoral Faculty Mentor,” and break into smaller groups to discuss common stresses and new solutions.

Presented by: 

  • Christine Williams, DNSc, APRN, PMHNP-BC, AHNCC-NC-BC, FGSA, Professor Emeritus, Florida Atlantic University

This program is sponsored by the GSA Nursing Care of Older Adults Interest Group

Responding to Reviews (GSA Manuscript Writing and Reviewer Skills Program Series)

June 21, 2022

The value of publishing in gerontology extends beyond the investigator to other researchers, scholars, practitioners, and ultimately improvements in life for older adults and society alike. With this in mind, GSA is offering a live webinar series with practical advice on manuscript writing and reviewing. Graduate students and emerging professionals as well as experienced scholars who want to hone their writing and reviewing skills and become more involved in the publishing process will benefit from the hands-on practice, discussion of the “human side” of publishing, pointers from authors of manuscripts accepted by journals, and the insiders’ view with a panel of editors on what constitutes a good paper.

Presented by:

  • Sean N. Halpin, PhD, Evidera
  • Tamara Baker, PhD, FGSA, Editor-in-Chief of Ethnicity & Health; Editor Emeritus of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine
  • Scott Beach, PhD, FGSA, Director of the Survey Research Program at the University Center for Social and Urban Research
  • Elise Eifert, PhD, University of North Carolina Greensboro
  • Martina Roes, PhD, FGSA, German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases
  • Laura Sands, PhD, FGSA, Inaugural Editor-in-Chief of Innovation in Aging

Community-Engaged Research in Low-Income Contexts

June 13, 2022

The privileged position and assumptions of researchers often remain unquestioned when involving communities with starkly different socioeconomic statuses. This presents considerable challenges to effectively benefitting the communities we purport to help. This webinar presents experiences of Community-Engaged Research from the perspectives of researcher and community stakeholder, among refugees and/or precariously-housed populations in two cities. Discussion will focus on contextual considerations when conducting research across different communities.

Presented by:

  • Sudha Shreeniwas, PhD, Associate Professor, Dept. of Human Development and Family Studies, University of North Carolina Greensboro
  • Jenny Konkin, President & Co-Founder, Whole Way House Society
  • Sharon Morrison, PhD
  • Tetyana Shippee, PhD, FGSA, Associate Professor, Health Policy and Management, University of Minnesota

This program is sponsored by the GSA Community-Engaged Research Interest Group

Fellowship and Career Development Awards from the National Institute on Aging

June 8, 2022

After providing an overview of NIA awards available to graduate students, postdocs, and junior faculty, the presenters will answer common policy questions and share tips for application success.

Presented by:

  • Maria Carranza, PhD, NIA Training Officer, Office of Strategic Extramural Programs, NIH National Institute on Aging
  • Jamie Lahvic, PhD, Program Officer, Office of Strategic Extramural Programs, NIH National Institute on Aging
  • Viviana Perez Montes, PhD, Health Science Administrator, Cell Biology Program, Division of Aging Biology, NIH National Institute on Aging

Sponsored by the GSA Biological Sciences Section

Manuscript Writing (GSA Manuscript Writing and Reviewer Skills Program Series)

May 20, 2022

The value of publishing in gerontology extends beyond the investigator to other researchers, scholars, practitioners, and ultimately improvements in life for older adults and society alike. With this in mind, GSA is offering a live webinar series with practical advice on manuscript writing and reviewing. Graduate students and emerging professionals as well as experienced scholars who want to hone their writing and reviewing skills and become more involved in the publishing process will benefit from the hands-on practice, discussion of the “human side” of publishing, pointers from authors of manuscripts accepted by journals, and the insiders’ view with a panel of editors on what constitutes a good paper.

Presented by:

  • Suzanne Meeks, PhD, FGSA, The Gerontologist Editor-in-Chief
  • Theresa L. Abah, PhD, California State University
  • James J. Dowd, PhD, The University of Georgia
  • Jessica A. Kelley, PhD, FGSA, Social Sciences Editor-in-Chief, The Journals of Gerontology Series B
  • Karen D. Lincoln, PhD, MSW, MA, FGSA, Associate Editor, Mental Health/Social Determinants of Health, Innovation and Aging

Community-Engaged Research for Dementia Prevention

May 11, 2022

Primary (risk reduction), secondary (delaying progression), and tertiary (comprehensive care) prevention of dementia happens largely in the community. But communities are different with varying socio-cultural needs and organizational resources. This webinar presents the Kickstart, Assess, Evaluate, and Refer (KAER) toolkit which attempts to bridge this gap from clinical perspectives, and prevailing needs in community contexts from Indigenous perspectives. Discussion will focus on practical ways forward.

Presented by: 

  • Patricia Heyn, PhD FGSA FACRM, Founding Director, Center for Optimal Aging, Marymount University
  • Jordan Lewis, PhD MSW FGSA, Associate Director, Professor, Memory Keepers Medical Discovery Team, University of Minnesota Medical School
  • Mariko Sakamoto, PhD RN, Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Nursing, University of British Columbia

This program is sponsored by the GSA Community-Engaged Research Interest Group

Addressing Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging (DEI&B) in Grant Writing (GSA Emerging Scholar and Professional Organization Professional Development Webinar Series)

April 29, 2022

Are you unsure of how to adequately address issues of DEI&B in grant writing? Do you question whether your grant writing fully embraces equity? If so, please join our skilled panel of invited professionals who will present on how to best incorporate these concepts in your grant writing. Our panelists will discuss their experiences and practical advice on how to write grants with an equity lens, focusing on considerations for the research plan, including sampling and recruitment strategies and optimized analysis procedures.

Presented by:

  • Cerise Elliott, PhD, Program Director, Clinical Interventions and Diagnostics Branch of the Division of Neuroscience (DN), National Institute on Aging
  • Victoria Behar-Zuzman, PhD, Professor and Associate Dean for Research and PhD Program Director, University of Miami School of Nursing and Health Studies
  • NiCole Keith, PhD, Professor, Department of Kinesiology and the Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs, School of Health & Human Sciences, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
  • Keith Whitfield, PhD, President, University of Nevada Las Vegas

This program is supported by the GSA Innovation Fund.

NASEM Report on Nursing Home Quality: Highlights and Dialogue

April 28, 2022

The GSA Health Sciences section is pleased to offer a webinar featuring the newly released report from the National Academy of Science Engineering and Medicine: The National Imperative to Improve Nursing Home Quality: Honoring Our Commitment to Residents, Families, and Staff.  Several members of the NASEM committee will share the report’s overall conclusions and recommendations and engage webinar participants in a question and answer dialogue.  If you missed the April 6 webinar sponsored by National Academy of Science Engineering and Medicine, this webinar is a good way to catch up.

Presented by:

  • Gregory L. Alexander, PhD, RN, FAAN, FACMI, FIAHSI, Helen Young CUPHSONAA Professor, Columbia University, School of Nursing
  • Mary Ersek, PhD, RN, FPCN, Senior Scientist, Department of Veterans Affairs, Professor, University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing
  • Tamara Konetzka, PhD, Louis Block Professor of Public Health Sciences, University of Chicago
  • Christine Mueller, PhD, RN, FGSA, FAAN, Professor, Senior Executive Associate Dean for Academic Programs, University of Minnesota, School of Nursing
  • Marilyn Rantz, PhD, RN, FAAN, Curators' Professor Emerita, MU Sinclair School of Nursing
  • Debra Saliba, MD, MPH, Professor, University of California, Los Angeles
  • Philip D. Sloane, MD, MPH, Distinguished Professor, Director of Academic Advancement, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Medicine
  • Jasmine L. Travers, PhD, MHS, RN, Assistant Professor, New York University Rory Meyers College of Nursing

This program is organized by the GSA Health Sciences Section.

No Researcher Is an Island: Developing Your Research Team (GSA Grant Chats Series)

April 21, 2022

Grant funding is an indispensable step to conduct the work needed to advance the science of gerontology and promote optimal experiences of aging. Obtaining funding can protect precious time to pursue the topics that are of greatest interest to you, advance your career, facilitate training, and improve your prospects for future grant funding. This grant writing series of 1-hour virtual sessions is designed to help you win grants through bolstering a broad range of grantsmanship skills specifically tailored to your work as a gerontologist researcher. GSA Grant Chats feature panel discussions with peers, experienced researchers, and leaders in gerontology and offer the opportunity to connect with and learn from a wide spectrum of experts in aging science. Topics range from developing a research trajectory that looks beyond a single funding opportunity to insider tips for successful applications. Join us for what promises to be engaging and rich conversations with takeaways for gerontologists at all career stages.

Presented by:

  • Tullika Garg, MD, MPHAssociate Professor, Department of Urology, Penn State College of Medicine
  • Lana Sargent, PhD, RN, FNP-C, GNP-BCAssistant Professor, School of Nursing, Affiliate Faculty, Geriatric Pharmacotherapy Program, Core Faculty, Institute for Inclusion, Inquiry, and Innovation, Virginia Commonwealth University
  • Jasmine L. Travers, PhD, MHS, RN, AGPCNP-BCAssistant Professor, Rory Meyers College of Nursing, New York University 

Developed by the GSA Grant Writing Program Workgroup

Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Peer Review and Publication Practices for the Medical Sciences Section

April 13, 2022

This webinar will focus on ways to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in peer review and publication practices for the Medical Sciences section of The Journals of Gerontology, Series A. In addition to exploring the historical context, you will learn about current journal guidelines and ways to ensure that publications hold to DEI principles. Experts in our field will provide examples and address key areas of DEI that promote fairness and respect, equity in the publication process, as well as honoring language and research with diverse aging populations. This webinar will include a discussion with experts on a range of topics such as inclusive language, population descriptions, and inferences.

Presented by:

  • Joyce Balls-Berry, PhD, Associate Professor of Neurology, Lead, Health Disparities and Equity Core, Knight Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis
  • Dedra Buchwald, MD, Professor of Medicine, Director, Institute for Research and Education to Advance Community Health, Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine, Washington State University
  • Jason D. Flatt, PhD, MPH, Assistant Professor, Social and Behavioral Health Program, School of Public Health, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • Kathleen Jackson, Managing Editor, Medical Sciences Section, The Journals of Gerontology, Series A, The Gerontological Society of America
  • Lewis A. Lipsitz, MD, FGSA, Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Chief Academic Officer and Director, Marcus Institute for Aging Research, Hebrew SeniorLife, Chief, Division of Gerontology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Editor-in-Chief, The Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences
  • Gladys Maestre, MD, PhD, Professor of Neuroscience and Human Genetics, Director, Alzheimer’s Disease Resource Center for Minority Aging Research, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
  • Shana D. Stites, PsyD, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania
  • Roland J. Thorpe Jr., PhD, FGSA, Associate Vice Provost of Faculty Diversity, Co-Director, DrPH Concentration in Health Equity and Social Justice, Professor, Department of Health, Behavior, and Society, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Krieger School of Arts and Sciences, School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University

AD/ADRD Behavioral, Social, Clinical, and Neuroscience Research (GSA NACA Priority Research Concepts Webinar Series)

February 24, 2022

GSA and the National Institute on Aging (NIA) Division of Behavioral and Social Research (DBSR), Division of Neuroscience (DN), and Division of Geriatrics and Clinical Gerontology (DGCG) are collaborating on a GSA webinar focused on recent National Advisory Council on Aging (NACA) priority research concepts, published funding opportunities, and application to NIA. NACA meets three times a year to consider applications for research and training and to recommend funding for promising applications.

Focused on NIA Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (AD/ADRD) behavioral, social, clinical, and neuroscience research, this webinar is designed to give new investigators maximal lead time to contemplate, pull teams together, align research ideas, plan projects, and build successful applications. NIA Program Officials will give brief presentations followed by opportunities for Q&A.

Presented by:

  • Jonathan King, PhD, NIA-DBSR
  • Elena Fazio, PhD, NIA-DBSR
  • Molly Wagster, PhD, NIA-DN
  • Mack Mackiewicz, PhD, NIA-DN
  • Marcel Salive, MD, MPH, NIA-DGCG
  • Anne B. Newman, MD, MPH, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and University of Pittsburgh (Moderator)

Developed by GSA Workgroup:

  • James S. Powers, MD, Vanderbilt University Medical Center (Workgroup Lead)
  • Daniel Gan, PhD, Simon Fraser University
  • Minghui Li, PhD, University of Tennessee Health Science Center
  • Meredith Troutman-Jordan, PhD, University of North Carolina
  • Panayiotis Tsitouras, MD, University of Oklahoma

GSA Awards Nomination Informational Webinar

February 16, 2022

:GSA recognizes outstanding advanced and early/mid-career individuals of all disciplines through a host of prestigious awards. Watch for brief 10-minute overview of the GSA Awards Program including—How to Find the Right Award For You, How to Write a Nomination Letter, and How to Submit an Application. This webinar will help to demystify the awards nomination process and provide more transparency and support to interested members.

Dementia in the Workplace: Person-Centered Approaches to Employment Support and Decision-Making

January 31, 2022

This webinar is for those interested in research related to workers who are identified as having mild cognitive impairment or early onset dementia. The session featured four short talks on issues and research related to dementia in the workplace. Webinar attendees had the opportunity to ask questions and engage in a group discussion facilitated by members of a Canadian-Australian working group on current and future research in this field.

Sponsored by the GSA Aging Workforce Interest Group

Getting to Know the GSA Summer Policy Internship Program: Application and Conversation with Previous Policy Interns

January 14, 2022

If you are an emerging scholar interested in applying for the GSA summer policy internships, you are encouraged to attend! This information session will get you to know the two established professional development opportunities named in memory of Kathryn Hyer, MPP, PhD, FGSA, FAGHE, and Greg O'Neill, PhD, two scholars and long-time GSA members. The GSA vice president of policy and professional affairs, Patricia M. D'Antonio, will introduce the duties and opportunities of these internships and answer questions about this year's application. Previous policy interns will share their experiences and thoughts of daily work as GSA policy interns, how they were immersed in aging-related policy development and participated in this process at the national level, and how these opportunities inform their research and career development.

Presented by:

  • Lei Chen, MS, MSP, UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs, 2021 Kathryn Hyer Policy Intern
  • Haley Gallo, BS, USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology, 2019 Greg O’Neill Summer Policy Intern
  • Kaleigh Ligus, MA, University of Connecticut Department of Human Development and Family Services, 2021 Greg O’Neill Summer Policy Intern
  • Patricia M. D’Antonio, BSPharm, MS, MBA, BCGP, Vice President, Policy and Professional Affairs, The Gerontological Society of America (moderator)

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