

AGHE Awards - David A. Peterson Award

Article Index

David A. Peterson Award

AGHE, in conjunction with Taylor and Francis, has instituted the David A. Peterson Award for the Best Article in the volume of Gerontology & Geriatrics Education (G&GE), the official journal of AGHE. All articles accepted for publication in G&GE, beginning with Volume 26, are considered for the award. For each volume, one recipient and one honorable mention will be named.

The purpose of this award is to recognize excellence in scholarship in academic gerontology. In addition to writing style, manuscripts are evaluated on innovation, the soundness of their approach, and their significance to and implications for gerontology and/or geriatrics education.

In naming the award after Dr. David A. Peterson, we salute his pioneering work in gerontology education and his contributions to AGHE. This award has been made possible by a generous donation from The Haworth Press.

Purpose of the Award

The purpose of this award is to recognize to recognize excellence in scholarship in academic gerontology. 

Eligibility Criteria

  • In addition to writing style, manuscripts are evaluated on innovation, the soundness of their approach, and their significance to and implications for gerontology and/or geriatrics education.
  • Affiliated with an AGHE institution or GSA member with AGHE designated as a primary or secondary section.

Nomination Process

There is no nomination process; in April the editor of the G&GE provides the four top papers for the volume to the subcommittee for review and selection.

Nature of the Award

The first author receives a personalized award certificate and a $250 cash award. The Honorable Mention recipient receives a personalized award certificate. Both awards will be presented during the AGHE Business Meeting at the GSA Annual Meeting.

Past Recipients

Vol. 42 2021

Raquel Meyer | Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care, Jennifer Reguindin | Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care, Shoshana Helfenbaum | Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care, Faith Boutchero | Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care, Joyce Tsui | Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care, Melissa Tafler | Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care, Elizabeth Kelson | Ryerson University, David Conn | Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care

"Toward a learning-to-performance program for interprofessional long-term care teams: Team Essentials to foster engagement, reciprocity, and meaningful, sustained practice change"

Vol. 41 2020

Julie B. Miller | Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Carley Ward | Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Chaiwoo Lee | Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Lisa D'Ambrosio | Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Joseph F. Coughlin | Massachusetts Institute of Technology

"Sharing is Caring: The Potential of the Sharing Economy to Support Aging in Place"

Vol. 40 2019

Brenda Vrlljan | McMaster University, Amanda Whalen | McMaster University, Tara Kajaks | McMaster University, Shaarujaa Nadarajah | McMaster University, P.J. White | McMaster University, Laura Harrington | McMaster University, Parminder Raina | McMaster Univeristy

"Creating an intergenerational university hub: Engaging older and younger users in the shaping of space and place"

Vol. 39 2018

Sara M. Bradley | Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine, Linda Pang | University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, and Reena Karani | Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
"Medical Students' Reflection of a Posthospital Discharge Patient Visit"

Vol. 38 2017  

 Liz Seidel | ACRIA
"Training senior service providers about HIV and aging: Evaluation of a multiyear, multicity initiative"

Vol. 37 2016   Tina M. Kruger | Indiana State University
"Beyond Assessment: Conducting Theoretically Grounded Research on Service-Learning in Gerontology Courses."

Vol. 36 2015

 Ariadne Meiboom | VU University Medical Center
"The Hidden Curriculum of the Medical Care for Elderly Patients in Medical Education: A Qualitative Study."
 Vol. 35 2014  

Feliciano Villar | University of Barcelona
"Tell Me Your Life: Including Life Stories in an Adult Development and Aging Course."

 Vol. 34 2013  Paul Roodin | SUNY College at Oswego
"Intergenerational Service Learning: A Review of Recent Literature and Directions for the Future."
 Vol. 33 2013  

Leslie A. Morgan | University of Maryland, Baltimore County
“Paradigms in the Gerontology Classroom: Connections and Challenges to Learning."

Honorable Mention
Anabel O. Pelham | San Francisco State University
“Professionalizing Gerontology: Why AGHE Must Accredit Gerontology Programs.”

 Vol. 31 2011

 Thomas M. Meuser | University of Missouri - St. Louis
“The American Medical Association Older Driver Curriculum for Health Professionals: Changes in Trainee Confidence, Attitudes & Practice Behavior."

Honorable Mention
John A. Krout | Ithaca College
“Intergenerational Service-Learning with Elders: Multidisciplinary Activities and Outcomes.”

 Vol. 30 2010  

Noell Rowan | University of Louisville
“Innovative Interdisciplinary Training in and Delivery of Evidence-Based Geriatric Services: Creating a Bridge with Social Work and Physical Therapy."

Honorable Mention
Paul T. Stolee | University of Waterloo
“Sustained Transfer of Knowledge to Practice in Long-Term Care: Facilitators and Barriers of a Mental Health Learning Initiative.”

 Vol. 29 2009  

Nina M. Silverstein | University of Massachusetts Boston
"Students Explore Livable Communities."

Honorable Mention
Emily J. Robbins | Miami University
“Promoting Active Engagement in Health Research: Lessons Learned from an Undergraduate Gerontology Capstone Course.”


 Vol. 28 2008


Brent C. Williams | University of Michigan
“Successful Implementation of a Faculty Development Program in Geriatrics for Non-Primary Care Physician Educators."

Honorable Mention
Constance L. Coogle | Virginia Commonwealth University
“The Value of Geriatric Care Enhancement Training for Direct Service Workers.”

 Vol. 27 2007  

Diane C. Calleson | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“Effectiveness of Mailing 'Bathing Without a Battle' to All US Nursing Homes.”

Honorable Mention
John A. Krout | Ithaca College
“The Impact of Gerontology Inclusion on 12th Grade Student Perceptions of Aging, Older Adults and Working with Elders.”



Vol. 26 2006




Sharon V. King | Georgia State University
“Gerontology and Research Education in Kenya: Establishing a U.S.-African Partnership in Aging.”

Honorable Mention
Lorraine T. Dorfman | University of Iowa
“A Diffusion of Innovations Approach to Gerontological Curriculum Enrichment: Institutionalizing and Sustaining Curricular Change.”


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