

Brain Health, Cognitive Impairment, and Dementia - 2017 Edition of KAER Toolkit

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2017 KAER Toolkit: 4-Step Process to Detecting Cognitive Impairment and Earlier Diagnosis of Dementia

Approaches and tools for primary care providers

gsa kaer toolkitThis comprehensive toolkit is focused on the KAER model developed by the GSA Workgroup on Cognitive Impairment Detection and Earlier Diagnosis. The workgroup identified valuable tools and resources to implement the four steps in the KAER model. The resulting toolkit provides options for each of the steps so that PCPs, health plans and health care systems can select the approaches and tools that fit best with their existing primary care structure, organization, and procedures.

The toolkit is broken down by each section of the KAER model to allow quick and easy access:

  • Kickstart the cognition conversation
  • Assess for cognitive impairment
  • Evaluate for dementia
  • Refer for community resources

Each step in the model will help the PCP initiate conversations about brain health, detect and assess cognitive impairment, diagnose dementia, and provide post‐diagnostic referrals for education and supportive community services for persons with dementia and their family caregivers.

There also is a free companion webinar, "How to Use the GSA KAER Toolkit: A 4-step Process to Detecting Cognitive Impairment and Earlier Diagnosis of Dementia."

KAER Toolkit Table of Contents

List of Approaches and Tools Found in the Toolkit


Additional Resources

Workgroup Members

Richard H. Fortinsky, PhD (chair)
Professor, UConn Center on Aging and Department of Medicine
Health Net, Inc. Chair in Geriatrics and Gerontology
University of Connecticut School of Medicine

Michelle Barclay
President and Co-Founder, The Barclay Group, LLC
Executive Co-Lead, ACT on Alzheimer's

Cyndy B. Cordell (ex officio)
Director, Healthcare Professional Services
Alzheimer's Association

Roderick A. Corriveau, PhD (ex officio)
Program Director, Neurodegeneration

Nicole Barylski Danner, DO
American Osteopathic Association
Advance Neurology Associates

Fred Kobylarz MD, MPH
2013-2014 Health and Aging Policy Fellow
Associate Professor, Geriatrics
Department of Family Medicine & Community Health
Rutgers – Robert Wood Johnson Medical School

Ian N. Kremer
Executive Director
Leaders Engaged on Alzheimer's Disease

Shari M. Ling, MD
Deputy Chief Medical Officer
Center for Clinical Standards & Quality
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

Natalia Loskutova, MD, PhD
Director of Evaluation, National Research Network
American Academy of Family Physicians

Katie Maslow, MSW
Institute of Medicine, National Academy of Sciences


Lisa C. McGuire, PhD
Lead, Alzheimer’s Disease and Healthy Aging Program (AD+HAP)
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Division of Population Health
Applied Research and Translation Branch

Jerrold Lee Penso, MD, MBA
American Medical Group Association
Chief Medical And Quality Officer

Eleanor M. Perfetto, PhD, MS
Professor, Pharmaceutical Health Services Research, School of Pharmacy, University of Maryland and Senior Vice President, Strategic Initiatives, National Health Council

Ronald C. Petersen PhD, MD  
American Academy of Neurology
Department of Neurology
Mayo Clinic

Mike Simmons, PhD (ex officio)
Global Advocacy & Professional Relations
Eli Lilly and Company
Lilly Corporate Center

George Vradenburg
Chairman, US Against Alzheimer’s

Molly V. Wagster, PhD (ex officio)
Chief, Behavioral & Systems Neuroscience Branch
Division of Neuroscience
National Institute on Aging

Joan Weiss, PhD, RN, CRNP, FAAN
Chief, Geriatrics and Allied Health Branch
Designated Federal Official, ACICBL
Health Resources and Services Administration



lillyThis program is developed by GSA and supported by Eli Lilly and Company.



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